Here below a quick introduction about how to use our Green Organic Fertilizer.

Which type of soil do you have? What do you grow and how?
Within this short guide you will get to know the amount of fertilizer you need, and how to apply it.

Specific application rates will vary according to soil type, condition and the nutrient requirement of specific plant or crop in consideration. It is advisable for farmers to do a soil-analysis to determine the ideal application rate and method.

How-to use our Green Organic Fertilizer

Download here the brochure in pdf.

For more detailed info or to order online:

Quality and safety are guaranteed by regular analysis in our own certified laboratory and/or other accredited laboratories.

PFRD Registration number

Vegetable and flower beds

Spread a layer of about 3cm of Green Organic Fertilizer evenly over your vegetable/flower bed. Rake to mix the fertilizer with the soil tocreate an even mixture.

[about 1 bag per m2]

Allow the mixture to sit for about 1-2 weeks before planting. Water thoroughly after planting.

Field nursery

Spread a layer of about 4cm of Green Organic Fertilizer evenly over your topsoil. Rake to mix the fertilizer with the topsoil to create an even mixture.

[about 1 bag per m2]

Container plants (including box nursery)

Select a potting soil suitable for your plants.

Mix the Green Organic Fertilizer with the selected potting soil at a ratio of 1:5 (1 Fertilizer: 5 Potting soil).

Fill the container (pot) with the mixture and water it.

Allow the mixture in the pot to sit for about 1 week before planting. Water thoroughly after planting.

Trees and shrubs

Excavate soil to create a planting hole.

Mix the Green Organic Fertilizer with the excavated topsoil at a ratio of 1:4 (1 Fertilizer: 4 Excavated topsoil).

Backfill and firm the mixture around the root ball within the planting hole.

Water thoroughly after planting.

Trees and shrubs maintenance / Mulching or turf establishment soil renovation

Apply a layer of about 2cm of Green Organic Fertilizer evenly on top of soil. Rake to incorporate to create an even mixture.

[about 0.5 bag per m2]

Ring placement

Spread an even layer of Green Organic Fertilizer around the base of the plant, but not directly touching the stem.

Water thoroughly.